Easy Way to Enable Bluetooth File Transfer To Android Phones on macOS

MontelentMay 31, 2018

Enable Bluetooth File Transfer

Sharing files from iOS to another iOS device is easy but when it comes to sharing to Android device, it is not easy and because it requires Bluetooth.

In this tutorial we will tell you how to enable the Bluetooth File Transfer on MacOS without stress.

This requires a third party at which Xender/Flash share which is the best alternative and our case study.

How To Enable Bluetooth File Transfer To Android Phones on macOS

  • First off, You will need to obviously Turn On Bluetooth on both the Android Device and the MacBook. (To do this On your MacBook, Navigate to System Preferences >> Bluetooth and Turn it On. On your Android, Swipe Down the Status Bar and Click on the Bluetooth Icon. Alternatively, you can go to the Settings Menu >> Bluetooth >> Drag the slider to the right to turn it on.)
  • On your Macbook, Go to System Preferences and Select File Sharing.
  • Tick the Bluetooth Sharing and Configure the rest how you want.

After doing the above then you can now send any file from your Android device to your MacBook without getting the error Message. All you have to is pair the two devices, choose a file to send and send it using Bluetooth.

This method is somehow slow than use other methods like USB Cable connection or Xender. But where these two is not available then you don’t have any other choice than using the method stated above. 


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