How to Delete All of Your Online Browsing History Saved on Google

MontelentAugust 16, 2018

Google Web Activity Tracks all your online Browsing History and also Tracks Your Movement.

Google has such power in which they track all your online activities, browsing, movements etc.

They save all your browsing files both secret and public ones.

Google is not just a search engine but also performs online

secret detective recording your online behavior, stores your info and

everything you do online. It is absolutely correct that Google may have a

complete list of almost everything you’ve ever looked checked.

How to see and delete everything Google knows

➡️ Go to My Activity and see for yourself
everything Google have stored about your online secret activities. You can
choose to delete them one by one or leave them for future purposes

➡️ You can turn it off by heading to Activity Control here
before deselecting Web & App Activity, uncheck “Include Chrome browsing history and
activity from websites and apps that use Google services”

Google Web Activity

➡️ On the same “Activity Controls” page, users can also disable location trackingcontact and calendar storing, Google’s ability to record and store your voice recordings, and YouTube search and watch history.


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