Easy Way To Fix “Cache not enough, Please Insert External SD Card to Download”

TomitNovember 7, 2016

Do you use the Infinix Note 3 smartphone? But whenever you try to update your phone’s system, you keep getting this error message that reads: “Cache not enough, please insert the external SD card to download”.

Worry no more cos I got a solution for you. Kindly follow me along.


How To Fix Cache not enough, please insert the external SD card to download On Infinix Note 3

1. First, you need a microSD card. Any size is ok, be it 4GB, 8GB, 16GB, or 32GB.
2. Next, when you insert the memory card into the Infinix Note 3, you will be asked to choose between internal memory or portable storage. Select portable storage for the SD Card.
3. Now, go back to the software update again and it should download without popping up that error message again.

The above steps can work on any smartphone with that same error message.

TIPS: Make sure your phone is charged before you perform any system update, unroot your phone if it’s rooted, and also backup your apps and data before performing a system update, to avoid losing your files if anything happens when updating your smartphone.


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