Chrome Latest Updates Blocks Redirecting Ads and More

TomitJanuary 28, 2018

Chrome has promised to start blocking annoying ads starting from February 2018

on all its browsers. The feature is already live on some browsers (majorly on Chrome v64 which is the latest version).

The feature is still not enabled by default for some reasons known to the developers, but I will teach you how to enable this feature on your Chrome browser if you are yet to see the update.

Another noticable feature in the update is the white navigation bar and new APIs for developers use. Quickly, let’s dive in to know what’s more in the update.


Every internet user must have come across some sites with annoying redirecting ads that tends to redirect you from the current site to another virus/malicious site.

This type of ads break out of their frame and forcing a redirect of the current page to another malicious site which is very harmful to every good ad network out there, including Google AdSense / AdX.

Google has decided to block these annoying frame ads from redirecting you to a malicious site. This feature should be enabled by default and available for everyone hopefully in Chrome v64. But meanwhile, I’ll still show you how to enable the feature if you can’t wait for it.

The only Chrome versions that has this feature enabled by default are Chrome Dev & Canary. The feature is yet to hit the normal Chrome browser, but hopefully we should see it in the next update.


Incase you can’t wait for the official rollout, you can alternatively enable the feature with the link below.

Just copy the code below and paste it directly into the address bar:


Then tap the highlighted dropdown menu, change it from Default to ‘Enabled,’ and restart the browser when asked.

After doing this, anytime an embedded frame ads tries to redirect you to another page, Chrome will automatically block it, and show a small warning at the bottom.


Google has been switching some of its apps over to white navigation bars on Android 8.0 Oreo. The idea is to reduce AMOLED image retention by reducing the contrast, but I personally much prefer the old design.

Anyway, the update is now live on Chrome browser if your phone has a navigation bar. If you ask me, they should have made the navigation bar to change color based on the site you’re viewing, just like how the status bar already does.


Below are some features included in the latest version of Chrome v64.

  1. The Media Capabilities API, which allows sites to determine what media codecs and formats your browser works with, is now supported in Chrome.
  2. Sites can now determine if you have Data Saver enabled with the new saveData JavaScript boolean. This is expected to be enabled by default in Chrome 65, but for now, it only works if you enable the flag.
  3. Chrome now shows native notifications on Linux, similar to notifications on macOS.
  4. The ResizeObserver API is now supported.
  5. JavaScript alerts can no longer change the tab you are viewing.
  6. Chrome now supports HDR video playback on Windows 10 (as long as Windows is in HDR mode).
  7. Autoplay behavior is now identical across desktop and mobile. See this post for more details.


Chrome v64 is yet to appear on Playstore. If you can’t wait for the official rollout by Google, you can download from ApkMirror below. It’s safe.

Source: EntClass.Com

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